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Black Girl Film School Remote
  • Per Week
  • $50 per hour

Full Job Description

Course Title:
BGFS Film Foundations II: Crafting the original episodic treatment

Course Description:
In the BGFS Film Foundations I course, students explored the foundations of filmmaking through the lens of Black women film pioneers. For twelve weeks, students took a deep dive into the history of Black women + The Academy, Screenwriting, Directing, Cinematography, Editing, and Costume Design. In Film Foundations II, we will build on the skills learned in Film Foundations I by expanding upon a single project over six weeks, focusing on developing and delivering a polished three to five-page treatment for an original episodic series.

Course objective: A focused workshop for advanced BGFS filmmakers to develop an original episodic treatment in a three to five-page document that tells the whole pilot story focusing on dramatic highlights

Course delivery: 90-minute synchronous sessions delivered weekly via Zoom

Duration of Course:
7 weeks
October 3 – November 14, 2022