Black Girl Film School is a collection of media experts, filmmakers, screenwriters, cinematographers, producers, directors, teachers, instructional designers, and below the line crew – all with one common goal of increasing the number of Black women working in the industry above and below the line.
FEBRUARY 22, 2021
Black Girl Film School is a digital literacy academy based out of Los Angeles, CA that introduces learners to elements of film production. Black Girl Film School teaches film-making by analyzing the work of award-winning Black female screenwriters, directors, editors, cinematographers, and costume designers. In their latest course offering, learners will connect for exclusive live lab sessions for 1 hour each week and apply what they learn from the experts to their own production projects. You can check out the details of their upcoming courses below.
Terms offered: Fall & Spring (Foundations I & Foundations II)
Learner support: A Live Lab learning coach, instructor, expert
Duration of course: 8 week learning program
Course composition: customized asynchronous multimedia & learning content + 1 hour weekly synchronous Live Lab session with subject matter expert/industry expert
Estimated seat time per week: 2-4 hours per week minimum (1 hour of course content + 1 hour live lab + 1-2 hours to complete the assigned work)
BGFS Film Foundations 1 (Spring)
March 1-April 15, 2021
Applications open now! Apply here.
BGFS Film Foundations 1 (Summer)
June 1- July 14, 2021
BGFS Film Foundations 1 (Fall)
September 6- October 18, 2021
You can find out more about Black Girl Film School on their website or Instagram @blackgirlfilmschool. We recently created a series of graphics for the film school which you can view here. Check out our Spotlight on Black Girl Film School founder Jayda Imanlihen.